We will not apologize for our pricing in Business

What is the most important step before selecting a training program? Probably, visiting all possible places where maximum information can be withdrawn about it. The last step in the process is personal enquiry or reaching out directly. But the problem is that many have taken the last step as the first one which is independently insignificant of the real interest of wanting to learn, grow and prosper.

In co-relation to this, we want to discuss this certain problem that YesGo is facing since forever. We receive three to five enquiry calls per day which is supposed to be course clearance call, but the first question that comes to us is “What is the fee of such and such course”?

For the convenience of all, we have built a portal www.yesgoindia.com that entails all the important details about each training program so that whoever wants can reach out effectively. What we expect as recruiters is a genuine concern over the subject of learning and growing. So, from calls of potential training candidates, the kind of question we expect must cater to enquires about eligibility on a prior-basis, but that is not happening. This is what is making us raise a concern over it, because as knowledge imparters we have a genuine care on subjects of dedication, attitude, and interest that our students must swear by.

To such calls and questions, we usually refer them to the potential portal where we have enlisted all minute information related to it. But, still they want to know the charges on a go during that call. What's more troubling is the fact that, it is the only thing that they are interested in knowing.

So, how does the algorithm of such calls go?

The very first thing asked is: Is it YesGo? What is the fee? We don't know how does that work? You ask the name of a person and then directly start enquiring about salary? How would this sound: What's your name? How much do you earn? Didn't that sound every pissing and unaligned

As service providers, we have to do the job. Our team members in a very subtle manner explains them the dependence of charge on the skills of the operators further referring them to the website from where they can avail all important piece of details with accuracy. We have enlisted everything on the website like profile, experience, and charge. But, still they irresistibly ask for the charges again and again, as if it is forced! It feels like they are on a rush to take a decision completely indecisive to listen and understand.

At YesGo, the training program is highly customized depending on individual skillset, education, background that also takes proper care of individual interests to switch over printing and packaging industry as we also assist in placements. Rather than enquiring about the details of several courses, the only interest of such candidates is in knowing the fee structure. As trainers we lay major emphasis on the achievements that they will win for themselves as the course reach close to completion. The whole team of YesGo work with a lot of enthusiasm and passion. As trainers, and knowledge imparters, our prime focus has never lingered around what we get as pay, but what we impart as knowledge. Such questions really go against our expectations from students.

On the contrary when we ask them for details, referrals, understanding experience, and a valid reason for approaching us, they simply don't want to answer. As a team that is highly empowered and motivated to drive career growth, we find it very inappropriate to be treated like that. We are not tele caller advertising any product rather we construct careers, the foundation of which is laid on candidates skill-set and interests.

YesGo is a holistic training institute where we highly value the interests of the candidates. This means that we don't build careers on the foundation of pressure. Thus, we have devised an entrance course that the candidates need to appear for, in order to confirm their knowledge and interest. Normally, students ask for high-end training and a high salary package just in the beginning phase of their career. As response we ask them for skill details and the software basics they know about. For that we also conduct entrance tests to confirm their eligibility. We want it to be precise and purely coming from one's own interest.

Our next step involves them to fill the registration form, and submit that.

To that they start questioning the whole system, and solely insist on knowing the price. At YesGo, our pricing varies on the level of experience, skills, education and expectation, which makes it a variable term. But, amidst all these there's just one question they want to stick to, and that is cumulative to pricing! We don't insist, we carry the process that most of such students are failing to understand and reciprocate well. We don't do 'price' as the first thing, and neither do we expect it!

And, if they somehow are ready to register, we get another call later where they ask for the price again, providing just 10% details which isn't of any use to observe things about them and get a proper understanding of the process trying to mould and cast their efforts.

All of the above mentioned cases have become an everyday thing in YesGo!

Our years of experience in running the training centre we have most of our students coming from our own referrals from friends, colleagues, companies, and relatives as we promise a 100% placement assistance. While we admit students we have a policy whereby we check for blood relations asking the potential students to bring anyone from their family like parents, relatives, husband, wife and others to ensure everything falls on place till the training goes on! There's a whole chain of process that we swear by, and further we also take charge that everything happens right.

In problematic cases mentioned above, when we insist them to bring a real family member with them and verify the whole procedure as the prior step in processing the application, they do one thing very deliberately, and that is questioning: “Why should we bring them.”

While a student is in his training period, a lot of times there's an emergent need to consult a known member of the family for reference. We do it to avoid all future shortcomings and mishaps. We believe it is a very mandatory step for all organisations to verify student's or employee's background because they consist of the most reliable persons amongst all of them.

All of our students who are globally placed who with their consent accepted and went through this process without complaints and questions, and definitely came out happier and contended.

Next, the much awaited questions of all time:


Why is it expensive?

Apart from being a training centre, YesGo is also business organisation that constitutes of so many people working hard to run the service centre. We do have our profit margins added to the price considering the quality of training program we offer. Our staffs are dependent on the salary they get from YesGo to run their lives, and thus their well-being becomes our responsibility.

Our prime source of income is through student's fee that allows us to stay in the business. The whole team has been engaged to run the organisation 24*7 “off the clock”, since the past 3-5 years without break. The fee rewards them for their invaluable input. Our fee ensures that we are served food on our table. YesGo has built a name for itself where all those who know the brand cares about the prestige and honour it holds.

As holistic trainers, our placements are never forced. We never go to companies and ask them to hire our students. All of our students get placement through their talent, and hard work they put-in to acquire the skills through our training program. We never skip even a single interview process and follow each step with precise concern and care. We understand that if the students get the placement through recommendations and not their own potential, their afterlife in the job will become miserable. We don't encourage an inefficient and wrongly skilled candidate to acquire a certain job, because that goes against our ethics.

We might not count as a billion dollar company, but we know the quality of service we deliver, and that would not oblige with the kind of low pricing people expect. We build careers not on the foundation of corrupt practices or false claims, but on basics of skills, knowledge, and real growth and evolvement. We have a team that works assiduously towards empowering careers and success stories, and we value things exactly the way it deserves. We have no competitor firm that makes us unique and reliable!

For the kind of service we impart, it cannot fall under the 'cheap' column. What we deliver stands expensive in terms of the valuable lessons we impart and the team we carry.

"Our fees are what allows the business to keep functioning globally which allows us to keep making a positive impact in the prepress, premedia, printing & packaging Industries. The goal of reaching global success and leave a mark on the industry with delivery of skilful man-power is what makes our whole team special. We want to keep going the way we do, and that would not permit us to compromise on the value."

"We won't reduce our price because we know the value we serve, and that is truly fair!"


